French Toast Sunday is made up of a collection of fantastic podcasters and writers from all across the globe. We are proud of the FTS community and would love for our readers to take a moment to get to know us a little better. Every month, we will highlight a new contributor with a brief questionnaire that will hopefully shine some light into the life of an FTSer. This month, we take a look into the world of Rob Kyte.



Name: Rob Kyte
Age: 30
FTS Member Since: March 2010
Twitter: @RobKyte



Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I am a night owl. Waking up early is depressing.

Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
I wish I was more of a planner, but I am more spontaneous by default. I try to get a light plan going whenever possible, but I’m bad at judging time.

What motivates you?
Food and drink.


What’s your favorite:
food? I’ll say cheeseburgers, but I also love a good taco.
color? Probably blue. Like a deep colored blue. Like bottom-of-the-ocean blue.
holiday? Halloween is the most fun holiday, that’s for sure. Especially since joining FTS. I’m also starting to come back around on the spirit of Christmas now that I don’t work retail.

It’s 8:00pm on a Friday night, what are you doing?
Probably getting a late dinner with fellow FTSers and possibly seeing a movie. Or hanging out with Jess and seeing a movie. But basically that and unwinding from the work week.

Do you have any cool skills? Any skills you wish you had?
I can kind of play the guitar.
I wish I had the skills to really play the guitar.

Do you have a pet? If so, what type of animal is it, and what’s its name?
I have a cat right now. I think it’s a tabby? One of those orangeish housecats. On paper its name is Amber, but I usually call her “Hamper” because that’s a better name.

What is something odd that fascinates you?
I’ve spent an exorbitant amount of time looking up old baseball logos recently. There are some cool ones and I feel like I’m learning a lot about history. Of baseball specifically.


When and Why did you start blogging?
All of my friends were doing it so I wanted to join in and help out.

What is your favorite genre of film? Least favorite?
My favorite is comedy. I enjoy laughter. It has to be a decent comedy at least. I won’t just like any comedy I see. My least favorite would be musicals because the songs are always shoehorned and awkward. I’ll like one occasionally, but the genre is almost always a pass for me.

Is there a particular actor who you would see in a movie regardless of what the film is?
Right now that actor would be Bill Hader. He’s been in some great movies recently and I enjoy watching him perform.


Do you refuse to watch any movie from a certain actor or director because of their behavior in their personal life?
I remember reading that Josh Duhamel yelled at an airline attendant for asking him to turn off his phone. I’ve never cared for the guy after hearing that. Plus he’s in stuff like Life As We Know It so no big loss.

Who is your favorite director?
Quentin Tarantino is my favorite. I like that he isn’t afraid to make his movies a little weird. And even though all of his movies are his specific vision, they cover a pretty wide base.

Best decade for film?
Probably the 90’s. The big movies I remember waiting for the release of, like Jurassic Park and Independence Day, came out in that decade. Movies from the 90’s have an odd charm about them, similar to movies from the 80’s, but I was watching more 90’s movies as a kid.

Any future blogging goals?
Keep on track and help spread the good word of film.

All of Rob’s posts can be found here.