At the start of every New Year, it’s tradition for FTS to list their movie-related resolutions on the FTS Podcast. Everyone takes turns talking about movie watching habits they’d like to adopt or what film lists they want to cover. But just like going to the gym or learning a new language, the resolutions that appear so shiny and bright in January seem to flat line quickly after the month is over. In an effort to make a serious attempt to tackle this year’s resolutions, I am vowing to keep an updated record of my progress of my main goal of three movies a week by writing a post here on the blog.

My biggest goal this year is to watch three types of movies a week – 1 New Movie (anything that has come out in the last 3-4 months), 1 Movie From My Netflix Queue (it has to be from the list I cemented in stone at the beginning of 2014 to count) and finally 1 Movie I’ve Been Meaning to Rewatch.

For the most part, this goal should be easily attainable. I’m sure I watch well over three movies a week as it is now and if I cut back on all of the mindless TV I consume then there is truly no excuse. Jess also thought this sounded like an achievable feat so the two of us will list our 3 flicks right here on FTS each week to help keep us on track.

Get it? Got it? Good. Lets take a look at what was watched this past week.


New Movies:

  • American Sniper – The film that I probably most actively disliked from 2014 – manipulative, simplistic, and not particularly well made.


  • Mean Girls – Repeat viewings only confirm that this is one of the most rewatchable and quotable comedies. One of the only modern definitive high school movies.
  • Smokin’ Aces – After loving Chris Pine in Into the Woods I was completely surprised that he was one of the insane Tremor brothers and had to rewatch this. Not a great movie, but fun enough to throw on.

Off the Queue:

  • A Life Less Ordinary – This was the last Danny Boyle movie I hadn’t seen yet, and while it has some of his zany tone and imagery, it’s easily my least favorite in his filmography.
  • The Hunt – Just as bleak and heart-wrenching as I imagined, with an amazing performance by Mads Mikkelsen.
  • Holy Motors – I had high expectations, and although I appreciated some part more than others, overall I can’t say it lived up to the praise.
  • Flirting with Disaster – Really goofy comedy and maybe shouldn’t be on any must-see lists, but it was enjoyable and had some fun performances, particularly from Mary Tyler Moore, Tea Leoni, and Josh Brolin.


New Movies:

  • American Sniper – Poorly constructed, manipulative, and upsetting for the wrong reasons. You can read my full review here.


  • Mean Girls – Re-watched this as a part of the Alamo Drafthouse’s Action Pack Quote-along. Remains as witty and quotable as ever. Love Tina Fey in this.
  • Goodfellas – Infinitely rewatchable. Beautifully directed and completely absorbing. Joe Pesci is tip top.

Off the Queue:

  • The Hunt – A tense narrative and affecting performances puts you in the shoes of both the protaganist and the townspeople. Scary and sad.
  • Holy Motors – Very weird, almost too weird to keep up with.
  • Flirting with Disaster – Pretty silly and entertaining enough to be a lightweight afternoon watch.