Amon Goeth vs. Bill the Butcher
The Ultimate Villain Tournament is a bracket style competition that pits movie villain against movie villain. Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York vs. Amon Goeth from Schindler’s List. Which baddie would be able to pull off his/her villainous scheme? Take a look at our character breakdowns and tell us who you think is the bigger threat.


Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York

Bill’s villainy lies in his political aspirations. He is willing to manipulate and murder to get what he wants and he thoroughly believes what he wants is best for everyone. Though he is a good fighter, he is also a very well-spoken and intelligent man and this is his greatest threat. Bill the Butcher is strong, but has a lot of enemies and is just an ordinary man. He has the perfect combination of attributes to strike fear into his enemies who are against his views.

Strengths: Strong, smart and well-spoken. Excellent knife-throwing abilities.

Weaknesses: Has a lot of enemies. No match for shrapnel.



Amon Goeth from Schindler’s List

The American Film Institute ranks Amon Goeth 15th on the Top 50 Villains of All-Time and it’s not surprising why: he’s based on one of the most horrific and evil people to ever live and he only lived to be 37. He ran the Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp where he imprisoned, tortured, and murdered countless amounts of innocent people. In Schindler’s List, it depicts him using camp workers as target practice.

Strengths: Captain in the Austrian SS; Commandant of the Krakow-Plaszow Concentration Camp; Impressive Rifleman

Weaknesses: Finds his job to be banal and boring



Which would come out on top? Who should move on in the bracket? You decide!

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