Remember: Coffee Break is full of odds and ends I’d like to discuss including films I’m watching, links I like, stuff I’m into and oh yeah, coffee!

Check out this dapper mug I picked up while I was in Busch Gardens a few weeks ago. I really love amusements park and Busch Gardens is definitely one of my favorites over here on the east coast. The rides are fun, the park is super clean and the food is above decent. I snapped a few pictures from the day, which you can check out towards the end of the post.

I recently watched a string of really great documentaries, all available through Netflix Instant watch. I’ll go through three of them and be brief so I don’t spoil any of the movies finer moments.

First up, I looked at the new doc Central Park Five about well, the Central Park 5 of course. If you aren’t familiar, the name refers to a group of five black teenage boys that were charged and convicted of the rape of a young female jogger back in the early 90’s. The case caused a big controversy in part because of the brutality of the crime and also due to the way in which the New York police department handled the case. The movie showcases textbook examples of police infringing on citizens rights and the consequence of the injustice is astounding. It’s a rough, gut punch of a documentary that I highly encourage people to check out. If you like it, make sure you continue your research online and stay educated.

Next up is another documentary that is likely to spur a little individual research. 2011’s Hot Coffee initially takes aim at the infamous McDonald’s coffee “frivolous” lawsuit poster child case. A lot of the inaccuracies about the large scale consumer perception of that case was already known to me but the doc still offered up plenty of juicy details on the case’s continued misrepresentation. And the movie doesn’t stop there. From this well-known but misunderstood case, a war against individual civil rights starts to brew in the United States. Two more cases are used to illustrate the dangerous concessions being made in regards to our courtroom rights. Overall it was quite a stirring experience that illustrated a very poignant statement about our current legal system. Do yourself a favor and watch it asap!

Lastly, I immediately scooped up the new-to-Nexflix doc We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks as soon as it popped up on my radar. The topical film is a well documented and very thorough timeline of the Wikileaks/Julian Assange controversy. The movie is a little long but covers an incredible amount of ground – working though the early history of Assange to present day proceedings. It was informative and riveting despite its length and is certainly one of the most balanced and unbiased documentary films I have seen in some time. If you want to know more about the Wikileaks story, it’s a great place to start. Afterwards, you will find yourself trying to formulate the real truth based on all the evidence presented.

Maryland’s 2013 Mobbies Awards! FTS has been nominated for a Mobbie Award! The Mobbies are a Read more about how you can help FTS here.

Ender’s Game: I was really shocked by how taken I was with the new film Ender’s Game. I didn’t expect much (which I’m sure helped) but was really won over by the film. My beau Jason was wishing they included a few more of his favorite moments from the book but that actually just made me want to read it! The film is pretty first rate so if you think it could be up your alley, I suggest giving it a try. For more on my thoughts on the film, you can read my full review here.

Ron Swanson: The man. Ron fucking Swanson. After a quick binge watch of the latest season of Parks and Recreation to hit Netflix, I’ve rediscovered my love for the mustached –adorned, meat-eating libertarian. Ron can do no wrong.

That’s the new coffee buddy at my house. It’s a Cilio Filter Holder that lets you brew coffee the old fashioned way. We just started using it at home but so far, so delicious.

Check out these fine specimens after we got to Busch Gardens! It was Rob’s birthday weekend!

I wish I had taken better photos because the park did an amazing job decorating for Halloween.

Check out dat turkey leg.

Quality Inn hooked us up with some pretty legit coffee too! Overall, it was an excellent weekend.

And a Halloween shot. I’m sure you can guess who we were.


I still haven’t seen Thor: The Dark World but I this photo above illustrates my favorite moment from the first film.
