Here at FTS we want to give a random weekly top 10 list about..well whatever we want.

Top 10 Ambiguous Movie Titles
(In no particular order)
1. (of language) Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
2. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made. 


10. Magnolia
Half of the entries on this top 10 lists remain ambiguous after you watch the film. The meaning behind the title Magnolia is still open for interpretation.

9. No Country For Old Men 

No Country For Old Men on the other hand, has an easily discernible meaning once you finish the film. But from the first read, that title doesn’t give any help to it’s focus.

8 Catfish
Along with some intruiging poster art, even the ambiguous nature of the Catfish trailer left people yerning for more. You seem to forget the movie is even called Catfish for most of it’s running time til the very end, when one of the documentary’s subjects tells a story that is quite fitting to the film’s subject matter.

7. Gummo

6. The Thing
What Thing? Something, anything, everything???

5. It

Fun fact: FTS member Jess is terrified of Pennywise.

4. Trainspotting

We get a brief reference to the titles meaning in the film, but the title is still abstract enough to baffle those whole haven’t yet seen the movie.

  3. Cloverfield 
This title is in fact an arbitrary code name made up for the film.


2. A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange isn’t even a term that is mentioned in the film, but it referenced in the original novel by Anthony Burgess.

1. Elephant 

The content of the film (high school shootings) and title certainly don’t match up at first notice, but upon further thought and investigation of imdb message boards, the bond becomes more understandable.

Can you think of any other ambiguous movie titles? 