Directed by John Madden, Starring: Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson. The Debt (2010) Two timelines tell the story of three secret agents tasked with apprehending a Nazi war criminal in the 1960’s and how this event will change their lives in the present.

Rob: The trailer for The Debt is one of those trailers that seems like it is just a teaser. They give away very little of the plot and leave you questioning the relationship of the characters. This usually makes for the best trailers, anyway. So, leading up to the film, you have a lot of questions about what type of direction the story could take. It’s sometimes hard for movies to live up to the hype that you create in your head when they are approached this way. That being said, I did enjoy watching The Debt.

The film had some noir styling and a bunch of suspenseful moments. The relationships between the characters runs in a few directions and the layout of the plot is shifted a few times through the course of the movie. This definitely helps to drive your interest in the film and to keep your interest. The actors did a great job for the most part. Sam Worthington’s role in the movie is my favorite performance of his.

Overall, I believe I wanted something more out of The Debt. It focuses on character interaction and how they deal with their pasts in the present day scenes of the film. The story behind the reason for their mission was enough to drive the film and make you hate the villain, but it wasn’t always the focal point of the film.



61-89% Really enjoyable movie. It may not be perfect in all aspects but it was worth the watch.