Pointing you in the direction of some of the day’s most interesting articles/pictures/videos/websites/etc

So technically this was first seen yesterday, however there’s no way to ignore this bad boy. I’ve been waiting for the trailer for Black Swan to be released ever since I first heard about the Aronofsky/Portman/Kunis match up, but this exceeded my expectations by far. This trailer promises that a bunch of crazy/sexy shit is about to go down between Mila and Natalie, and NP looks on her acting game! That red eye shot at the end gave me the chills. WATCH: Black Swan

Last night some FTS members and friends played an intense Scene It match. This list should give you the edge on the “Movie Remake” plays and is an enjoyable read with more than a few good recommendations. If you’re feeling adventurous, go explore our early day podcasts for our Top Movie Remake list. READ: Remakes That Worked: The 50 Best Movie Do-Overs

FTS (and apparently the rest of America) still haven’t gotten over the fantastic piece of work that is Inception. The website Co.Design had a contest for the best Inception infographic. I’ve seen a few that were all remarkable, but the following is the winner and rightfully so! Not only does it show what character was in what level, where the kick’s took place, and where in fact (spoiler alert) the inception took place, but it shows how the time lapse  plays out and looks freaking awesome. Click through for the bigger view that this deserves! LOOK: Infographic of the Day: Inception Contest Winner!

That’s all for today folks!